For Immediate Release
Conyers, Ga – Conyers Rockdale Council for the Arts and the Rockdale County Board of Education are pleased to recognize the four Rockdale County students for their artistic contributions to the CRCA Veterans Music Project at the regular session meeting of the Rockdale County Board of Education on March 21, 2024, at 7:00 pm in the Board Room at the Administrative Office Complex, 960 Pine Street.
The CRCA Veterans Music Project provided a small group of local veterans the opportunity to write and record two original songs at weekly meetings over a period of 8-10 weeks. Due to a grant from the National Endowment for the Arts and significant donations this program was provided at no cost to the veterans. Professional musician mentors Derwin Daniels of Paradygm Records, Barbara Dockett of Star Vision International Records and others worked with participants to create both the music and the lyrics to share each of their stories through this artistic medium. CRCA held two sessions of the Veterans Music Project – the first from January-March 2023 and the second from April-July 2023. Each session produced two songs.
CRCA was excited to partner with Mrs. Katy King at General Ray Davis Middle School to hire four students from her art classes to create the cover art for each of these songs. Each student was given a copy of the lyrics of one of the songs written by the veterans and asked to create an “album cover” based on what those lyrics made them feel or see inside. Each artist will be recognized for their contribution in the song credits.
From the first session of the CRCA Veterans Music Project, the cover art for “State of Mind” was created by Cameron S. Jeffries and “Loving Life” by Kaylee Williams. The songs from the second session are “The Way I Move” with cover art by Michelle Aguilar and “Echoes” with artwork by Makayla McCranie. While each visual art piece on its own is a wonderful example of our local student talent, the combination with our veteran’s music creates an entirely new multi-dimensional masterpiece.
About Conyers Rockdale Council for the Arts
The Conyers Rockdale Council for the Arts is the only source of high quality, diverse performing and visual art programs for the general public in Rockdale County. CRCA’s mission is to connect neighbors, cultivate artistic expression, and celebrate our community’s stories through the power of creativity and the arts. For more information on CRCA, visit, connect on social media via Facebook, Twitter and Instagram, or call 770-922-3143.
For More Information:
Shelli Siebert, Executive Director